The new Netflix thriller “Black Doves” is a sentimental spin on the spy genre; love, not geopolitics, is the governing force in its protagonists’ lives. “If ‘Black Doves’ aspires to inject some coziness into the generally chilly espionage genre, ‘The Agency,’ on Paramount+, turns the thermostat way down,” Kang writes. “In comparison with the gentle subversions of the Netflix show, this remake of the French thriller ‘The Bureau’ goes all in on the loneliness of saving the world.” Read Kang’s review of two new spy shows.
The new Netflix thriller “Black Doves” is a sentimental spin on the spy genre; love, not geopolitics, is the governing force in its protagonists’ lives. “If ‘Black Doves’ aspires to inject some coziness into the generally chilly espionage genre, ‘The Agency,’ on Paramount+, turns the thermostat way down,” Kang writes. “In comparison with the gentle subversions of the Netflix show, this remake of the French thriller ‘The Bureau’ goes all in on the loneliness of saving the world.” Read Kang’s review of two new spy shows.
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